2024年全球中国文化爱好者“汉语桥”线上团组交流项目 |全球火热招生中,欢迎报名!


  1. 团组介绍


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  1. 录播课课程简介

  1. 外国学生在上海International students in Shanghai

课程将通过跟踪拍摄一名外国留学生在上海的一天,向学员真实展现外国人在上海的衣食住行以及真实感受。The course will track and shoot a overseas student's day in Shanghai, to show his real feeling and life as a foreigner in Shanghai.

  1. 汉服-折纸Paper Folding-Traditional Chinese Clothing Hanfu

汉服是中国汉民族的传统服饰,课程介绍了汉服的演变过程以及近年来的汉服复兴运动。Hanfu is the traditional dress of Chinese Han nationality. This course introduces the important dynasties in Chinese history, the evolution of Hanfu and the revival of Hanfu in recent years, and demonstrates the manufacturing method of Hanfu accessories - manual folding fan.

  1. 游览华师大校园Campus Tour of East China Normal University

了解华师大中北校区的历史,了解中国学生和国际学生的校园生活。Get a brief understanding of the history of the Zhongbei campus of East China Normal University, visit representative locations on campus, and learn about the campus life of Chinese and international students at East China Normal University.

  1. 买东西Go Shopping

跟着视频学买东西的基本汉语表达;能够了解中国的扫码支付等新颖形式;能云参观豫园商城的风貌并了解传统小吃的特点特色。Students can learn the easy expressions of shopping by Chinese; can know how to do the scanning payment in China by Wechat and Ali Pay; can visit Yuyuan Commercial Street and know some traditional skills and snacks on line.

  1. 智慧教育Smart Education

随着“互联网+”时代的到来,智慧教育应运而生,智慧校园飞速发展,智慧课堂教学备受关注。本课程聚焦365best体育官网登录入口智慧校园、智慧课堂、智慧教学,带大家一起走进智慧校园、了解智慧课堂环境、参与智慧课堂中,欢迎来自世界各地的同学加入我们。With the advent of the "Internet +" era, smart education arises at the historic moment, smart campus develops rapidly, and smart classroom teaching attracts much attention. This course focuses on the smart campus, smart classroom, and smart teaching of East China Normal University. We will take you to visit the smart campus, understand the smart classroom environment and participate in the smart classroom. We welcome students from all over the world to join us.

  1. 中国电影Chinese Movie


Selecting the representative films which have the Chinese characteristics and can catch strong attention of foreign students. Focus on kung fu films, animation films and science fiction films and telling the story of the inheriting, breakthrough and hope of the Chinese films. Through the appreciation of Chinese films, we hope to help Chinese learners to understand the spirit of the Chinese story and feel the charm of Chinese aesthetics.

  1. 川剧变脸The Culture of Sichuan Opera Face-Changing


Present the famous Chinese folk art – face-changing, introduce the origin of face-changing, the meaning of masks, the techniques of changing faces and the culture behind it, etc.

  1. 行在上海Shanghai Transportation


To develop and update the knowledge of China Transportation ; To know more about how Shanghai students go to school and how Shanghaiese go to workTo learn the arts form of Chinese paper folding; to make a Wupeng Boat by Chinese paper folding.

  1. 茶的前世今生The Past and Present of Tea


To understand the development process of tea; To visit the traditional teahouse and learn about the basic types of tea; To explore modern milk tea shops, and to know about the ingredients and process of DIY milk tea.

  1. 走进上海博物馆书法展The Chinese Calligraphy Gallery at the Shanghai Museum


Lead the students to visit the painting and calligraphy exhibition in Shanghai Museum and look at the original works of famous artists. Through the teacher's explanation to help students understand how to appreciate calligraphy works, deepen the understanding of the cultural connotation and improve the aesthetic appreciation of Chinese art works.
